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2 Replies

Hello guys,

I'm trying to create an extension to the membership module. (I have called it x_membership)

Now I need to inherit a write and create function from the membership module.

The problem is that this function inherits account_invoice_line. So after a lot of trying and experimenting, I inherited the account_invoice_line in my x_membership module. This works, but now whenever I create a subscription, the method gets called twice, once from my module x_membership and once from the default membership module.

So my question is: how can I override the membership modules' create function? This function is in the under class account_invoice_line(osv.osv): _inherit='account.invoice.line' def write(......): res=super(account_invoice_line, self).write(.....) .......

I don't know how to tell odoo to override that method, because at this point I copied the entire account_invoice class from membership. But this calls super account invoice. I need it to be membership_account_invoice, but I don't know what name/syntax to use for this to happen.

The following is a simple image to try and clarify my question. 

Thanks in advance, guys.




I do want to call the parent's write method, but I don't want the membership module to also call the account_invoice_line's write method. Because now whenever I create a new membership, the write method gets called in membership and in x_membership, resulting in two added lines, while I only expect one line.

I'm not entirely sure if my x_membership module depends on membership. In I have depends : ['membership'] though.

I'm fairly new too odoo and am not really experienced with the inheritance and dependancy-tree.

EDIT: I don't have enough karma, so I cannot comment to your comment :(

EDIT2: Is it possible to remove a line from the database? Since the membership module calls a create on membership.membership_line. And I only get one invoice, but two membership_lines. SO if I'm able to say remove the member_line created from the membership module before creating a new using x_membership, my error will be gone. Another workaround I was considering is to create a new table x_membership.membership_line and only show this one instead the membership.membership_lines data. But I'd like to have this as my last resort

Best Answer

Below example modified the "create" method ONLY in specific module( stock module for example). Note: the specific module could be at any position of the inherit chain. It doesn't matter any other modules also override that method.

The key point is "ORIGIN_Company.create = MY_Company.create". Hope this help you!

from odoo.addons.stock.models.res_company import Company as ORIGIN_Company
class MY_Company:
     def create(self, vals):
        # my code
​ res = super(ORIGIN_Company, self).create(vals)
# my code
return res 
ORIGIN_Company.create = MY_Company.create

Thanks it worked. Just import inheritted class to override not original class

Best Answer

If you don't want to call the parent's write method (which is VERY VERY dangerous, you need to basically replicate the whole function down to the method called in BaseModel), don't call the super().  But, why don't you want to call the parent's write method?

The way OpenERP inheritance works is that it will call x_membership's (assuming that it is the "last" module in the dependency tree) account.invoice.line write() method.  If it calls super(), assuming that your x_membership module depends on the membership module, it will can membership's account.invoice.line write() method.  When (I believe it will) it calls super(), it will call the parent's account.invoice.line's write method() so on and so forth until it reach orm.BaseModel's write() method.
