how to run excel file or macro of excel from odoo v8 using a method (button)?
in python it work fine:
>>> import os
>>> os.system("start 'path\\file.xls'")
in odoo doesn't work:
def runMacro(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
if os.path.exists("bilan\\bilan.xls"):
os.system('start bilan\\bilan.xls')
raise osv.except_osv(_('Error!'),
_('error msg'))
thanks in advance
You have attached excel file in odoo and want to read excel data on button click am i right?
I have an excel file that contains a macro, I want to run the execution of this file by clicking on a button!
execution mean you want to read excel data?
no, but I think that odoo is limited in impoting and exporting data,
I want to launch a system action for windows from odoo, like run an excel file not only import and export...