We are running OpenERP V8 and trying Pick & Ship operation in the warehouse but when Sale order is created. There is a delivery order generated but on the status Waiting for another operation and I can't find nothing in the Operation pick section. Is this function working properly or am I missing something ?
Warehouse : HCM
- Incoming ShipmentsUnload in input location then go to stock (2 steps)
- Outgoing ShippingsBring goods to output location before shipping (Pick + Ship)
Input LocationHCM/Input
Quality Control LocationHCM/Quality Control
Packing LocationHCM/Packing Zone
Output LocationHCM/Output
Picking Types
In TypeHCM: Receptions
Internal TypeHCM: Internal Transfers
Pick TypeHCM: Pick
Pack TypeHCM: Pack
Out TypeHCM: Delivery Orders
Location HCM/Output
- Logistics
Removal StrategyFirst In First Out (FIFO)
My bad. i've just figured out that I have to run procurement manually or with schedule for pull rule on output location. This function is working when we create a sales order and it process to delivery. However, in case we did not create sales order but creating a new delivery order with source location as output and destination location as customer, it does not generate extra move for shelf to output. My question is : does pick & ship available for delivery order alone or need to be activated through sales order ?