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i know that when we install openerp 7 in windows openerp also contain python.dll file to run openerp python file abd also base file, and i had also install python2.7 in windows 7 explicitly.

My question is i want to compile all openerp module and its dependent python module from external python command(c:

\python27\python.exe) , because some module is install in  my external python , Openerp also want that module my Openerp server not able to find all the module which install in external python . How can i set my external python module link to openerp

Best Answer

Just copy  the needed python packages (OpenERP Python external dependencies) from ../Python27/lib/site-packages/  to .../openerp/server/

One trick: some python packages are found not under ../Python27/lib/site-packages/ but under ../Python27/lib/site-packages/package_name.egg/


Thanks Med Said BARA

My advice: Move to Linux, even with Virtual Machine under Windows.