I am a new user of OpenERP 7 (latest nightly)- I am now learning and evaluating the application.
I am looking to integrate OpenERP with an Open Source eShop/Cart/eCommerce platform - one of these probably:
Magento PrestaShop OpenCart
I have found a number of discussions and some old & partial solutions but nothing that appears to be available and fully working.
Does anyone know of a good solution? How do most OpenERP users do online retail and manage the connection to eBay, Amazon, Google etc?
Thanks BB
@CJS Webkul have a opencart/openerp integration here https://store.webkul.com/OpenCart-Modules/ERP/Opencart-OpenERP-Connector.html - hopefully in future they can be encouraged to upgrade this to v8 and to produce an integration that mirrors what is done by odoo's native ecommerce - (creating sales orders not just quotations, creating payment transactions, like paypal etc) - Yet another UK users of opencart/openerp who is looking for an integration (like myself - kurt at cmr dash direct dot com to share the pain !)
The opencart/odoo integration from webkul that I mentioned above has been nicely upgraded to v8, and I have had developments undertaken that allow it to be used with odoo-on-saas (no module needed on the odoo side) and with odoo in a multiwarehouse configuration - it works great on my dev system.