We have multiple stores as my customers. Basically, they all are separate bodies but only one common thing between those is that all the invoices should be sent to one invoice partner.
Let's say there is one common invoice customer "Common Customer" and other stores like.
Store 1, Store 2, Store 3......
So, to achieve this I can create the invoice address in all these Stores but then technically they will be different records and that is wrong and at the end, in the sales order it gives me different "invoice Customer" for each store.
I want that it should be only one "invoice customer" for this all the stores.
Let me know if anybody has any solution for this case.
I have the same issue. Did you find a solution? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!!! It seems Odoo is backwards from our current system and I am having A LOT of trouble trying to figure out how to enter/load my customers. The only way I've found to make this work is to enter the 10 delivery addresses as parent customers and then duplicate the invoice address on all 10 delivery addresses.. This really doesn't make much sense. Sales needs to pick delivery address and the contact(person) placing the order and then invoice address and parent company should populate from their selection... is there any way for Odoo to do this?