Hi guys,
I'm trying to detect the event onchange from a selection field.
def onchange_changeday(self, cr, uid, ids, day_type, context=None):
if day_type == "Complete":
x = "09:00"
return {'value':{'hour_begin': x }}
_columns = {
'hour_begin':fields.char("Hour", size = 20),
'day_type':fields.selection([('Complete', 'Complete'), ('Noncomplete', 'NonComplete')])
And then in the XML view I have:
<field name="hour_begin" placeholder="00:00" class="oe_inline_hour"/>
<field name="day_type" onchange="onchange_changeday(day_type)"/>
The goal was to whenever I change the selection to "Complete" it completes the field "hour_begin" with the value "09:00". I don't receive any errors, but it's not working either.