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3 Replies

I want to write a module in which you can upload a file (an excel file in my case) and after uploading, I want to do some processing using the file's data. I couldn't find any tutorials for uploading a file in odoo in a custom modules. anyone can help?


to upload file you can use binary field, than on button click read that file and process further


@Sehrish can you be more specific? or send me a link so I can check it out.

Best Answer

You can use Binary Field to feed uploads.

logo = fields.Binary('Website Logo', default=_default_logo, help="Display this logo on the website.")

above field defined to upload logos. Same can be used to feed any files.


How can I process the file that I uploaded? in my case its an excel file

Whenever you upload a file, it will automatically processed by odoo in default and save in ir_attachment field. If you need to do more operations then you can access the file from current object or from ir_attachment table