I am trying to add a sequence to tasks in a specific project using the webbrowser using odoo9 community release.
Our workflow: when an email is sent to our helpdesk it should be processed automatically, a new task should be created in a specific project, the task should get a unique identifier and it should be emailed back to the customer.
I managed to set up the email, the tasks are created, email is sent back, this is fine.
However I can not get the sequence to be created.
This is what I did:
1) created a new sequence at Settings->Technical->Sequences&Identifier->Sequences. Sequence code: x_itc_helpdesk_task_id
Question 1: where/how do I set that the sequence should be genereated when the new task is created? It should only be generated for tasks with project_id = 2
2) created a new field called for model "Task" with name x_itc_helpdesk_task_id_sequence
Question 2: do I really need a field or the view can pick up automagically sequences?
Question 3: if I need to have a field, what should be the field type and how to link it with the sequence?
3) created a new view for this field, it is a form that is extending the project.task object, field is only shown for project_id 2
<xpath expr="//field[@name='tag_ids']" position="after">
<field name="x_itc_helpdesk_task_id_sequence" attrs="{'invisible': [('project_id', '!=', 2)]}"/>
I've been browsing for hours the forums and other places, I have found references that for example I need to set _defaults (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22477712/how-to-add-autoincremental-field-in-openerp-7), but I dont know how to do that from the frontend
Many thanks for any hints,