Hey guys, i've been trying to run test tours, but they always end up as success, even when they failed. Took first part from odoo website_sale tours, and added function that checks if element is there for user.
Running tour from browser: `odoo.__DEBUG__.services['web_tour.tour'].run('shop_suggest_product_non_network', 1000);`
```odoo.define('website_sale_suggestion.tour', function (require) {
'use strict';
const tour = require("web_tour.tour");
tour.register('shop_suggest_product_non_network', {
test: true,
url: '/shop',
content: "search conference chair",
trigger: 'form input[name="search"]',
run: "text conference chair",
content: "search conference chair",
trigger: 'form:has(input[name="search"]) .oe_search_button',
content: "select conference chair",
trigger: '.oe_product_cart:first a:contains("Conference Chair")',
content: "select Conference Chair Aluminium",
extra_trigger: '#product_detail',
trigger: 'label:contains(Aluminium) input',
content: "select Conference Chair Steel",
extra_trigger: '#product_detail',
trigger: 'label:contains(Steel) input',
id: 'add_cart_step',
content: "click on add to cart",
extra_trigger: 'label:contains(Steel) input:propChecked',
trigger: '#product_detail form[action^="/shop/cart/update"] .btn-primary',
content: "set two",
extra_trigger: '#wrap:not(:has(#cart_products tr:contains("Storage Box")))',
trigger: '#cart_products input.js_quantity',
run: 'text 2',
// My function goes here
content: "Check if there is 'create ordering suggestion' button",
trigger: '.oe_cart',
run: function() {
var element = document.getElementById("btn_create_ordering_suggestion");
if (element === null) {
console.error('button should be here for non network partners');
} else {
console.log('test successful');
Output during function:
Tour shop_suggest_product_non_network: step 'set two (trigger: #cart_products input.js_quantity)' succeeded
Error: button should be here for non network partners
Tour shop_suggest_product_non_network: step 'Check if there is 'create ordering suggestion' button (trigger: .oe_cart)' succeeded
Tour shop_suggest_product_non_network succeeded
test successful
So basically whatever i do test will be successful. Any ideas what might be happening? Console tells me that test succeeded and i can't seemly to make it fail.