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Hi all,

i hve been using Odoo of an on since version 8, and in version 10 i used to have configured Sales order to Manufacture.

It would create a manufactoring order with the reference document of the sales order (with linked client info etc)

since Odoo 10 isnt supported anymore i started with a clean slate Odoo 14 last year, but i noticed the way i used to configure this doesnt work anymore.

when you create a product to manufacture, you NEED to create a reordering rule in order to make it work. (ie create a production order)

however, the reference document is no longer the Sales Order, but an internal OP, and the manufacturing order no longer has the client info linked.

I the same goes for Odoo 15.

Any idea how to solve this, so i can create the MO straight from the SO without the use of "reordeing rules"?

Best Answer

If you use the MTO route it will write the SO to the reference field on the MO.

Enable it here: Inventory > Configuration > Routes > (Filter for 'Archived') then unarchive it

On the product template, tick MTO + Manufacture as the possible routes

Remove any Reordering rules on the product as they might interfere with the MTO route.

If you have done the above, then when a sales order with an MTO product is confirmed, it will create a MO.

The Sales Order will have a smart button to link to the MO, the MO will have a smart button to link to the sales order, and the reference field on the MO will be the Sales Order that created it.

Let me know if this works for you. I have tested this extensively in v15.


awesome lucas!
that works like a charm in v14 as well.
love it since you can go back and forth with the smart button.
Also the the OCA addon mrp_sale_info is filled correctly

thanks for the help

Author Best Answer



yes. because standard replenish on order(MTO) works as take from stock if missed (min one) it will create mo/po and etc. so you just duplicate standard this rout and change in new route rules supply method.
and it will work as strict MTO. so mo will have so and in so will be mo direct button.

Best Answer

hi, when you use routes: manufacture+replanish on order. it will create mo directly.


Yes correctly, but the origin field is filled with "OP/0001" (order point) instead of the salesorder "SO001", so there is no link/reference back to the original sale order.

In older versions the origin field was filled with the sales order, and you could backtrace which order the MO created.

it even says in the descripcion: This production order has been created from: OP/0005 (not the Sales Order)

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