Hello Guys!!!
I am trying to create a pdf file in the table ir_attachment to get attached in an email.
The problem is that the file is created and attached and when i try to dwonload it to check i got an error saying that the file could'nt be open.
Here is what i have tried :
pdf = self.env.ref('module.report_pdf').sudo().render_any_docs([quotation_id])[0]
test = pdf.encode('utf-8')
datas = base64.b64encode(test)
attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({
'type': 'binary',
'datas': datas,
'datas_fname': ATTACHMENT_NAME + '.pdf',
'store_fname': ATTACHMENT_NAME,
'res_model': self._name,
'res_id': self.ids[0],
Thanks a lot in advance.