Hello everyone,
I am using Odoo12 and need your help.
I need to write a python code that inherits base.import to control how the products import have to be done.
My problem is, every time I import the list of products to the system, all changes made on product name and other fields selected on import process are lost.
What I need to do is (during the import process):
- Keep product name intact if an existing product (I have to select this fields for system to create new records);
- Change only the "chosen" fields for existing products (in this case I just need to change the cost price, if the product already exist on system)
- Allow the import process create new product(s) if they do not exist on the system (normal import flow);
Basically I need (on import products process):
- Create new products that do not exist (with all required/selected fields);
- Leave existing products name intact (every product imported already have an external id, and this is created when the product is imported)
- On existing products, change only cost price (this is used for calculating sell price and I need to have this updated). On this case, perhaps change only some "chosen fields".
Can you please help me?
Thank you all in advance
Best regards