Dear Community,
could you pls advice how to remove unnecessary columns from Quotation View (for example, Requested Date, Commitment Date and Salesperson).
I cannot find respective fields in Three View:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<tree string="Sales Orders" decoration-bf="message_needaction==True" decoration-muted="state=='cancel'">
<field name="message_needaction" invisible="1"/>
<field name="pricelist_id"/>
<field name="name" string="Order Number"/>
<field name="date_order"/>
<field name="partner_id"/>
<field name="user_id"/>
<field name="amount_total" sum="Total Tax Included" widget="monetary"/>
<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>
<field name="invoice_status"/>
<field name="state" invisible="1"/>
Great, many thanks!