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2 Replies

Hi, Odoo experts

I am using Odoo10 community and installed wkhtmltopdf-0.12.1 for PDF reports. The server is Ubuntu16.04 server LTS.

But the Japanese characters are displayed as squared blocks.

I tried to change the report type to HTML and the Japanese was displayed well.

I checked on the net and it looks like the module [oecn_base_fonts] is needed for the issue.

I searched and only found the the module for Odoo V7. I tried to install it but failed.

  File "/opt/odoo/custom_addons/oecn_base_fonts/", line 23, in <module>
    import oecn_font_installer
  File "/opt/odoo/custom_addons/oecn_base_fonts/", line 23, in <module>
    from osv import fields, osv
ImportError: No module named osv

I guess this is because the version of the module is not for Odoo10.

So my questions

1. Where can I downlaod [oecn_base_fonts] for Odoo10?

2. Or any other solutions for this issue in Odoo10?


You cannot install a module developed for a version to work in another(some might work in two versions based on the content). Search in GIT for the latest version of the module. If not available you can contact author of the module or any other developer to convert it to V10

Author Best Answer

Hi, Mohammed

Thank you for your advice

I finally found that fonts need to be installed for the display.

I tried to install fonts for Chinese, but Japanese is also ok.

I do not know why, but it woks. It looks fine now.

sudo apt-get install ttf-wqy-zenhei
sudo apt-get install ttf-wqy-microhei

No need to install oecn_base_fonts.



If you can explain the solution in a clear way, it will be helpful for the others who are looking for the same.


Sure, I have updated my reply.