When I try to log an internal note in tasks, this error pops up and stops me from doing that. What exactly might be going on, it is very irritating.
Thank you so much to the brave soul that will answer this one.
Here is the error
Failed to render template <Template memory:7f1565af38d0> using values {'format_amount': <function <lambda> at 0x7f154f6fbb90>, 'object': mail.message(104981,), 'ctx': {'record_name': u'Python CS application Marina Dimovska', u'uid': 248, 'button_access': {'url': '/mail/view?message_id=104981', 'title': u'View Applicant'}, 'company_name': u'INVICTUS Solutions DOOEL', 'safe': False, 'actions': [], 'has_button_unfollow': False, 'not_followers': res.partner(9160,), u'default_model': u'hr.applicant', u'default_res_id': 2503, u'lang': u'en_US', 'tracking': [], u'tz': u'Europe/Brussels', 'is_discussion': False, 'record': hr.applicant(2503,), 'subtype': mail.message.subtype(2,), 'followers': res.partner(), 'button_unfollow': {'url': '/mail/unfollow?model=hr.applicant&res_id=2503&token=153d428b50ff983d6b3aaeb96c5e9dea9f67c397', 'title': u'Unfollow'}, 'signature': u'<p>-- <br/>Dimitrov Marta (inv)</p>', 'button_follow': {'url': '/mail/follow?model=hr.applicant&res_id=2503&token=8e8912db74b98d6ba49e9af98f59a687b0728649', 'title': u'Follow'}, 'has_button_follow': False, 'model_name': u'Applicant', 'website_url': u'https://www.invictus-solutions.com', 'has_button_access': False}, 'format_tz': <function <lambda> at 0x7f1554f7e0c8>, 'user': res.users(1,), 'format_date': <function <lambda> at 0x7f154d498410>}
Hello You are trigger any email on this action ?
Yeah, this happens when I trigger an email, if it is a regular internal note with no email message, it works just fine