I have Shopify integration with Odoo, however, when I was trying to update stock and price for > 500 products, I faced 'Exceeded 2 Calls per Second for API Client' from Shopify.
So, in order to counter that, I added time.sleep(0.5) which should work, then, I faced another problem which is from Odoo, 'Virtual real time limit (935/900s) reached'.
I did some research and found out that Odoo would kill a process if it runs for too long, some Google solutions mention '--limit-time-real' which I don't think I can config on Odoo.sh.
In addition, I need to run this update stock&price automatically everyday so I cannot split these products into multiple batch and process manually.
I really really appreciate any help.
Is there a way to increase the time limit on Odoosh?