I am using Odoo 11, Enterprise Edition. I am pretty new to Odoo.
I created a custom addon in order to inherit from a model, and to add some custom fields to the model itself and to the view. So far so good, even if sometimes it's pretty hard to understand what classes/views i should inherit from in order for my fields to appear in the right place.
I see that I can get the same result by adding the fields using Odoo Studio (and it's also a lot easier to add groups, subpages etc). One of the fields generated by Studio has a name like "x_studio_field_Bdxyn", but if I search this string in the whole Odoo folder, I find nothing. Where does Studio saves my changes?
I'd like to "compile" my changes to a custom module in order to be able to access the relevant code and work on it in a more programmatic way, is that possible?
I read somewhere (e.g. https://www.odoo.com/it_IT/forum/help-1/question/does-the-fields-created-by-odoo-studio-gets-store-in-other-database-as-well-132544) that I have to export the customizations by using a specific option in the OdooStudio menu (Customizations -> Export), but i cannot find it. Has it been removed in Odoo11? (all I see is: "Views, Translations, Automations, Reports, Access Controls, Filter Rules")
How can I make sure that, say, my changes will be easily portable to another odoo installation withoud having to restart from scratch?
Thank you very much in advance.