i want to update my invoice report so that the invoice address is left justified and the shipping address is right justified.
As far as i know this needs to be done in report_invoice_document_inherit_sale.
My code here looks like this atm:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<data inherit_id="account.report_invoice_document">
<xpath expr="//address" position="attributes">
<attribute name="groups">!sale.group_delivery_invoice_address</attribute>
<xpath expr="//address" position="before">
<div class="pull-left" groups="sale.group_delivery_invoice_address">
<strong>Invoice address:</strong>
<div t-field="o.partner_id" t-options="{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": True}" groups="sale.group_delivery_invoice_address"/>
<div t-if="o.partner_id.vat" class="mt16">
<t t-esc="o.company_id.country_id.vat_label or 'TIN'"/>
<span t-field="o.partner_id.vat"/>
<div class="pull-right" groups="sale.group_delivery_invoice_address">
<div t-if="o.partner_shipping_id and (o.partner_shipping_id != o.partner_id)">
<strong>Shipping address:</strong>
<div t-field="o.partner_shipping_id" t-options="{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": True}"/>
By now both addresses are on the right side of the report. Can someone help me how to pull the invoice address on the left side and the shipping address should stay right?
Best regards and thank you in advance,