First of all thanks a lot for reading and answering my quires.
I try to install Odoo in Centos 6 but gets stucked because of Centos doesn't contains support 'systemd', only Centos 7 is supported.
Could you plese advise me if upgrading to Centos 6 to Centos 7 is safe. (I have many other live websites in that server) ?
Or else if I opt for buying new server, which server service is best for Odoo?
I found a hosting service
Is this hosting service is recommended?
I try to install Odoo in server using below link. Is there any better method to install Odoo in server?
And my last question....
What all should be measures should I take before installing Odoo in to the server?
Thanks a lot for your kind patients to read and answer by quires.