We have a customized version of the Odoo Point of Sale and am I trying to work out out how to get Point of Sale to do Multi-Buys.
So for example if a user inputs a product with a quantity of three, then Point of Sale can see this and match to a rule (which is set up in a price list) and apply a discount. The discount will also then show up on the receipt.
I have already tried setting up a rule in price lists which uses the minimum quantity field, however this does not appear to help. Does anyone have any have any suggestions or alternative solutions?
Promos and discounts for instore promotion is basically useless as far as I can see. Odoo please rewrite code with basic functionality for multi-buy and BOGO. They are the most common promotions in stores. In the meantime if you want a functional promo option you have to write it yourself, unless someone knows different.