Hi everybody,
I'm trying to update informations in OrderWidget from a pos.xml when customer is selected or unselected but this widget don't update. With the same conditions in other widgets (ProductListWidget and ActionButtonWidget) it's works fine.
Sorry for rendering the code but the code tool does'nt work
#<t t-extend="OrderWidget">
#<t t-jquery =".order-container" t-operation="append">
#<t t-if="widget.pos.get_client()">
#<div style="width:100%;height:50px;line-height:50px;background:green;color:#FFF;"><t t-escap="widget.pos.get_client().name"/></div>
#<t else="">
#<div style="width:100%;height:50px;line-height:50px;background:red;color:#FFF ">No client</div>
#</.... closing ....
the same code in ActionButtonWidget and ProductListWidget works fine... I'm really disapointing about this.
Thanks for your help.