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with Odoo 10 CE we changed the way of addinb bank-accounts within partners/customers to an inline version:

Original Code:

    <group string="Payments" name="banks">
<field name="currency_id" invisible="1"/>


<button type="action" class="btn-link"


context="{'search_default_partner_id': active_id, 'default_partner_id': active_id}">

<field string="Bank account(s)" name="bank_account_count" widget="statinfo"/>




Customized Version:


<group string="Payments">

<field name="bank_ids" nolabel="1"

context="{'search_default_partner_id': active_id, 'default_partner_id': active_id}">


<field name="acc_number" string="IBAN" />

<field name="bank_bic" string="BIC" />

<field name="bank_name" />







This worked fine in odoo10

But in odoo 11 after adding a new bank account within editview of customer the name of the bank will not be visible in the tree-view (only account-number is visible) and when trying to save the customer the following error is in odoo-log:

ERROR odoonew odoo.sql_db: bad query: b'UPDATE "res_bank" SET "name"=NULL,"write_uid"=1,"write_date"=(now() at time zone \'UTC\') WHERE id IN (2)'

any ideas whats different in odoo11 here? 
