Our Contacts are listed in an alphabetical order. But the Upper/Lower-case equalisation is not activated. So we get the order ABN_ACDC_Aar_Abe and one company who uses “ng”, with a lower-case to begin with, all at the end.
In \https://www.odoo.com/fr_FR/forum/aide-1/odoo-13-ce-odoo-11-ce-question-regarding-sort-order-of-contacts-172140 someone answers his own question with a database-installation. But in Online we cannot do it.
In \https://www.odoo.com/fr_FR/forum/aide-1/sorting-of-product-names-74062
the solution is \
“Not sure how it sorts by default but you can explicitly provide a sort order for each view. Activate developer mode. Then choose "Edit Tree View" and modify it to read:
Hope this helps!”
But if I try it similar on contacts I only achieve error-messages.
Since it should be only the usage of the SQL-UPPER function in the query, it should be so easy. How to achieve a consequent alphabetical order in Odoo ONLINE?