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I have installed odoo v8 based on this script

It seems the user 'odoo' has no password (at least in my installation) and I wonder whether this:

  1. is how it is supposed to be ?
  2. a good idea in terms of safety ?

any ideas?


Best Answer

It's ok to have system user with no password. Some limitations are

  • can be used only by root
  • no ssh access



so that means: it is ok to have such a passwordless user, but it also wouldn't break anything or reduce security to assign a password, right? For example it could be a security feature that you can not access to the 'odoo' user by ssh

It wouldn't break anything, but it would make things less secure. A passwordless user is more secure than a user with a password - this user can NEVER login, just run services.

That user will never exposed to the end user, so I think it's safe enough. Root still can login as user with no password if that user is given a proper shell, like bash (ehm.. shellshock). To make the user not available for login, use /sbin/nologin as command/shell for that user in /etc/passwd.