We downloaded the latest version of Odoo CRM Plugins for Outlook.
> https://download\\.odoo\\.com/plugins/
We\ have\ a\ dedicated\ Exchange\ server,\ and\ when\ we\ try\ to\ login\ to\ Odoo\ from\ our\ mails,\ we\ are\ stuck\ on\ loading\ page\.
We\ click\ the\ connector,\ enter\ out\ Database\ URL,\ then,\ we\ are\ redirected\ to\ Odoo\ asking\ if\ we\ allow\ outlook\ to\ access\ Odoo's\ Database\.
But\ when\ we\ click\ on\ "Allow",\ we\ are\ stuck\ on\ loading\ page\ :
Do anyone encountered this issue and have a solution ?
It seems related to the Exchange server, but we have a default config, and don't know what to do to correct this.
Thanks for your help.