you can use the redirect method of the http.Response object to redirect the user to a different URL. The redirect method takes the URL to redirect to as its only argument. For example:
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@http.route('/my_controller/redirect', type='http', auth='public')
def redirect_to_url(self):
url = ""
return request.redirect(url)
Regarding opening the browser with a specific URL, it's not recommended to open it directly with the browser, it's better to redirect the user to the URL.
Also, the os.system("PATH_chrome") command is used to execute command line commands. In this case, it should be used to open the Chrome browser. you should use the full path of chrome.exe file in the system.
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import os
os.system('"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe"')
Be aware that this will open a new chrome window, and the user will lose the context of the odoo application, so this is not recommended.