I am using Odoo CE V11, I need to separate product name in Qweb.
I have a name as: 1,2,3,4
I need to get in one line
and i have done with
span t-set="my_name" t-value="o.product_id.name.split(',')" style="font-size:10px"/>
<span t-esc="my_name[0]" style="font-weight: bold;"/>
but now I need in another line get 2,3,4
I tried with
pan t-set="my_name" t-value="o.product_id.name.split(',')" style="font-size:10px"/>
<span t-esc="my_name[1]" style="font-weight: bold;"/>
but i get only 2 and not 2,3,4.
How ca I do it?
Thank you