When I try to create an instance of TreeView, the program hangs. I'm using the following code:
openerp.foo = function(instance){
var QWeb = openerp.web.qweb;
_t = instance.web._t;
var bar = instance.web.TreeView.include({
// do something
can put anything inside the curly brackets and it hangs. I can do it for ListView and ViewManager and anything else just fine. It's just TreeView that causes problems.
Here's the error:
web.assets_common.js:2523 error: Some modules could not be started
Failed modules: ["web.web_client"]
Non loaded modules: ["web.ChangePassword",
length: 15__proto__: Array[0]
concat: concat()
constructor: Array()
copyWithin: copyWithin()
entries: entries()
every: every()
fill: fill()
filter: filter()
find: find()
findIndex: findIndex()
forEach: forEach()
includes: includes()
indexOf: indexOf()
join: join()
keys: keys()
lastIndexOf: lastIndexOf()
length: 0
map: map()
pop: pop()
push: push()
reduce: reduce()
reduceRight: reduceRight()
reverse: reverse()
shift: shift()
slice: slice()
some: some()
sort: sort()
splice: splice()
toLocaleString: toLocaleString()
toString: toString()
unshift: unshift()
Symbol(Symbol.iterator): values()
Symbol(Symbol.unscopables): Object
__proto__: Object
log @ web.assets_common.js:2523
(anonymous function) @ web.assets_common.js:2530
(anonymous function) @ web.assets_common.js:650
fire @ web.assets_common.js:644
add @ web.assets_common.js:645
(anonymous function) @ web.assets_common.js:650
each @ web.assets_common.js:473
(anonymous function) @ web.assets_common.js:650
Deferred @ web.assets_common.js:651
then @ web.assets_common.js:650
(anonymous function) @ web.assets_common.js:2530
(anonymous function) @ web.assets_common.js:44