From some reason the editor remove \n when copy&paste , so I replace \n with ;
see the question in SO
I install odoo on a virtualbox using vagrant(ubuntu / trusty32); ; I set up odoo using the following:; ; vagrant init ubuntu / trusty32 in Vagrantfile; "private_network", ip: ""; vagrant reload; ; ; vagrant ssh; sudo su; wget - O - https: // | apt-key add -; echo "deb ./" >> /etc/apt / sources.list; apt - get update && apt - get install odoo; sudo - u postgres createuser - s odoo; ; found the addons directory using:; ; #cd / etc / odoo / #cat openerp - server.conf[options];; This is the password that allows database operations: ;; admin_passwd = admin; db_host = False; db_port = False; db_user = odoo; db_password = False; addons_path = /usr/lib / python2 .7 / dist - packages / openerp / addons; ; created a theme in /usr/lib / python2 .7 / dist - packages / openerp / addons using https: //; ; where is says:; ; Installing your theme; To install your theme, you just place your theme folder inside addons in your Odoo installation.; ; After that, navigate to the Settings page, look; for your theme and click on the install button.; ; But the theme doesn 't display in settings ( or in the app list.;
This useless system doesn't let me comment an answer so I write here for Ermin Trevisan: you answer is useless, it should be a comment - please explain how to activate developer mode, how to update modules list, etc.
Obviously my answer was not useless at all :-)