Hi Oddoers,
I was reading the documentation about the depends decorator of the ORM API and I don't understand the following statement written in the documentation:
One may also pass a single function as argument. In that case, the dependencies are given by calling the function with the field's model.
I suposse that it means that I can use a name function as an argument in *args, as that this function returns the dependencies.
For example:
pname = fields.Char(compute='_compute_pname') @api.one @api.depends(my_function) def _compute_pname(self): if self.partner_id.is_company: self.pname = (self.partner_id.name or "").upper() else: self.pname = self.partner_id.name
def my_function(self): return ???
What should my_function return?. Should it return the dependencies into a list or into another kind of data structure type?.