I have odoo 8 installed on our server. I need odoo9 as well on same server with different database on same postgres server. So I installed odoo9. I am running it at different xmlrpc port no. I am getting the option to create database in odoo9. But it display the blank page with no 'Apps' & 'Settings' option. Please help?
To run odoo9, I am using cmd:
python odoo.py --xmlrpc-port 9069 --db_port 5432 -w odoo9 -r odoo9 --db_host localhost -d odoo9 --addons-path=addons,odoo_magento_connector --db-filter=odoo9
Basically using the same server is not recommended for both Odoo 8 and Odoo 9. Although you have two separate databases it would clash and might create in loading Odoo. Hence, as per my understanding having separate servers would be an remedy to your issue.
Thanks Nilim, but I have installed odoo8 and odoo9 in my local with same database server. Its working fine in my local system.
@Nilim: there are absolutey no reasons not to have multiple Odoo instances on one server. You simply create multipe Odoo instances next to eachother, which all use the same PostgreSQL. There is no reason not to do that..