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Is there a way to automate product category badges in odoo 16? Ex. showing an out of stock badge in the category view when the product is out of stock. 

I have products displaying correctly in product view as out of stock and such but I'm worried it will hurt conversion rates if I'm not communicating properly that a product is out of stock before a customer clicks it as its something that has annoyed me personally on other sites I've visited. 

I know that I can manually set the badge as out of stock but doing it manually will add way to much work load in the long run and may cause the banner to not be removed when restocks are done. 

I've seen the addons on the marketplace that offer "similar" function but none of them look as good as default odoo badges. I feel like if there was a way to add to the product category view something along the lines of "if quantity_on_hand
Being able to programmatically show badges depending on factors of each individual product would be huge on showing sales and discounts as well though my main use would be for the out of stock badges. 

But I'm inexperienced in odoo and programming overall compared to many others so I'm not sure how easy this would be to execute or if its even possible. 

Best Answer

Hello Caylon,

Yes, we can help you with that customization!

 Please do contact us via

We are very much excited to discuss this with you and guide you through the perfect solution for the problem you have mentioned 
