I am using Odoo 15 and I want to inherit one JS function of the Full composer view to add one more context value.
File path is:
Line no. 225, Function name:
async openFullComposer()Currently, context inside that is
const context = {
default_attachment_ids: attachmentIds,
default_body: escapeAndCompactTextContent(this.composer.textInputContent),
default_is_log: this.composer.isLog,
default_model: this.composer.activeThread.model,
default_partner_ids: this.composer.recipients.map(partner => partner.id),
default_res_id: this.composer.activeThread.id,
mail_post_autofollow: true,
I want to add one more parameter inside that is:
'from_full_composer': true
How I can inherit this JS file in my custom module to add one more parameter in context?
Thanks in advance.
You are welcome
don't forget to add your file to 'mail.assets_messaging' asset bundle in your addon manifest