I'm trying to retrieve date from Odoo to Google Sheets using the oe_browse function.
It is working well with a very simple query (example as follows):
=oe_browse("product.product"; "default_code"; "[]"; "default_code asc"; 5)
This succesfully results the 5 first values of the table.
However as soon as I add another field like this:
=oe_browse("product.product"; "default_code, name"; "[]"; "default_code asc"; 5)
I get the following error:
Unable to fetch data due to session expired exception (line 364).
Moreover, when I try to add a domain in the formule (e.g. "['default_code','=','123']") it doesn't seem to work as I still get the 5 same values as before.
Could you please help ?
Thanks a lot !