I have started working recently with Odoo, so I assume that I'm still doing "easy tasks" but I can't find a solution by our own.
I have started creating a new module using scaffolding. In this module I wanted to extend the Sales application adding a new field to the 'sale.order' model, this has been quite easy because is fully documented in many places.
So I have added a new field in the model and inherited the 'sale.view_order_form' view to show/edit our new field. I have also extended 'sale.view_quotation_tree' and 'sale.view_order_tree' to show the data from this field in a column in the tree view.
But now, I'm stuck with filtering. I have seen that is quite similar to how I have extended other views.
I assume that the module is being loaded fine because I can see the info in control panel view editing (in Developer Mode).
I've tried with (and without) primary mode, also adding a priority with different values and using other filters as reference for positioning, but the result is always the same, the new filter is not shown.
Has anybody experienced a similar issue?
Kind regars,