I'm having trouble replicating a tax in odoo.
In germany, when reselling used goods, the seller only pays value added tax on the difference between the purchase price and the sales price. However, the invoice shows a VAT of 0%.
Purchase price : 100€
selling price: 200€
200€ with 0% VAT
Seller accounting:
Revenues 0%VAT: 100€
Revenue 19% VAT: 81€
VAT 19%: 19€
Is there a simple way to replicate this behavior in Odoo.
The tax calculations can be implemented with the module "Define Taxes as Python Code".
With this module you get correct journal entry lines for an invoice. But on the printed (online) invoice the value added tax is shown wrong.
Maybe one of you has an idea how to solve this problem elegantly.
Thanks :)
I am dealing with the same situation with a business in Spain. The accounting for used goods is very complicate. I really would like to know how Oddo can handle this.
You don't have to include VAT on the invoice. However, it is mandatory that you include a note specifying that the sale doesn't include VAT because you are selling used goods. I include this note in the invoice: "(*) Special Legal Regulations of Used Goods. This transaction pays taxes under the special legal regulations stated in article 26 bis of Directive 77/388/CEE."
For each sale of used goods, you need to add another entry in the accounting associated with that sale. In that second entry you specify the amount of VAT (based on the profit made on that particular sale) to the destination VAT account that you owe.
For me, the problem is not really the invoicing, but the accounting.
I wonder if there is an easy way to do that on Odoo.