Hello, please help. I have a problem about a field that I just added in my custom module named package quantity inside the orderline, and it is not appearing in mobile view.. I'm using a web responsive module from community for mobile responsiveness but the problem is, the field is not appearing/hidden when i'm in mobile view. Buttons and other field that are not defined inside the notebook/page seem to work well.
Any help will be highly appreciated. Thank you.
Make sure the visibility attribute is true
Hello Hilar,
Thanks for the response. it should be visible because in web view, the column is there. Only in mobile view that it did not load the filed/column. Please review my code.
class SalesOrderLine(models.Model):
_inherit = 'sale.order.line'
# calculate uom qty / packaging
def _calculate_pcs_box(self):
for data in self:
if data.product_packaging:
self.product_packaging_qty = data.product_uom_qty / data.product_packaging.qty
product_packaging_qty = fields.Float(string='Package Quantity', descriptio="Field for packaging qty")
<xpath expr="//tree/field[@name='name']" position="after" >
<field name="product_packaging_qty" optional="show"