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2 Replies

Hi there,

I've managed to get a copy of Odoo 13 up on a digital ocean Ubuntu that is loading pretty well given the low specs. What I am trying to do is have a play around with Odoo and I want to test out the 3rd party apps to see if I want these with the community edition I have installed or if I go with Enterprise and pay up big time.

So, since I am using the command line what is the best way for me to use this to update my apps so I have a full list? I'm really not sure how to upload a downloaded zip and then extract it in the addons folder hence me asking if some sudo this and that will work the same way without physically downloading anything to upload.

Best Answer


If you are looking for the ways that you can upload third party modules to the odoo cloud server, you will have different options.

Either you can download the apps from the odoo apps store or from github repositories and move it to server using the file transfer tools like filezilla or you can use scp commands.

scp -r module/ user@server.tld:/some/folder/addons

Or you can directly clone the apps to server, from github repositories.



Thank you heaps I totally forgot I could use FTP....

Author Best Answer

Thanks, totally forgot about filezilla!
