Hello everyone,
I am currently transferring a website for a club from Odoo 11 CE to Odoo 13 CE. Installed are among others the modules "membership" and "website_membership".
in Odoo 11 CE - correct / as I need it:
Abfall..., ABO W..., AEV ..., Arma..., Awi..., BDZ...,
in Odoo 13 CE - incorrect:
ABO W..., AEV..., Abfall..., Arma..., Awi..., BDZ...
on the one hand I don't understand the reason - as far as I understand the source-code (templates / controllers), I don't see any difference - and on the other hand I don't know how I can correct this ... Maybe someone has a hint?
Btw the only installed language is German (Odoo 11 CE as well as 13 CE - so the language seems to be not the problem.