Hello gurus,
I have been fighting for months with tunning up my Odoo 12 server in regards to memory consumption.
I read a lot about it and made lots of tests without success.
My problem is, memory consumption is always increasing and never drops even if no one is using Odoo.
I am sure it is related to Odoo, because if I restart the service, memory is freed drastically.
Usually it begins at about 4%-5% and starts increasing (10, 15, 20… 50, 80…) as users starts using Odoo.
As per the CPU it is great. Sometimes it goes over 50% (on higher loads) but usually it is below 15% and I can see its consumption is being recicled/cleaned.
My Server
UBUNTU 18.04 – 4CPU / 8GB RAM
limit_memory_hard = 2684354560
limit_memory_soft = 2147483648
limit_request = 8192
limit_time_cpu = 300
limit_time_real = 600
limit_time_real_cron = -1
max_cron_threads = 2
Tried to manage by changing “limit_memory_hard” and “limit_memory_soft” and use lower values but if the values are too low it raises an error:
"LongPolling Virtual memory limit reached"
What could be the problem and what are the advisable settings for this server specs?
Thank you very much