I will here take the example with sales but i'm looking to extend this to several models.
There are 2 kind of users:
The regular ones with the usal groups (group_sale_salesman,...) and usual rules.
There are also special groups "secret_user" and "secret_manager" of users.
Regular users shouldn't be able to view "secret_user" sales and other documents.
"secret_user" shouldn't be able to access regular users and other "secret_user" documents.
secret_manager" shouldn't be able to access regular user's document but can see "secret_user"'s one (like group_sale_salesman and salesman_all_leads)
A user needs to be in "secret_manager" and "group_sale_salesman_all_leads" to see all sale orders.
How to make a rule checking if the record was created by a user in "secret_user" and so restrict the access to it ?
I'm nearly envisaging multi-company for this, am I wrong ?