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Hello again,

I have a fresh install of odoo 12 and only the module sales, purchase, inventory and manufacturing installed.
I have add multiple locations on inventory called "Stock 1" and "Stock 2" and again to test.

The i have add product "AB" with it raw-materials "A" and "B" and its distributors.
I have create Bill of Materials for finished product "AB" with it raw materials one piece "A" and one piece "B".

On product "AB" i have set "Make to Order" under inventory.
On raw materials "A" and "B" i have set "Can be purchased" and under inventory "Buy" and "Make to Order".

On product "A" add quantity of 1 on "Stock 1". "B" is empty!

Then i set MO from "AB" with its BOM "AB" with its raw materials "A" and "B".
After check availibility - it tells me "A" and "B" not in stock and make "Request for Quotation" for both products/raw materials!!!

It looks like it is not showing in stock - so both products need "Request for Quotation"....
Okay i read soemthing confused text of odoo documentation like - if you do not have stock then you have checked boxes "Make to Order".

So make this sense?

Next i have uncheked "Make to Order" and it shows in stock and see the one piece of "A" is availaible!!! Nice...

But wait - where is the "Request for Quotation" for "B"?

We are two persons and since two days we look how  its worked correct and don't find the right way... something we make absoluteley wrong or odoo12 have a bug???

A "Request for Quotation" if a product is not in stock by making a MO is that what i expected.... ?

We have test some changing of operations types, Rules, Routes and so on.. but the documentation of odoo is very cheap... only public easy informations - hard deep informations not showing on videos or wikis and so on.

How is the right way - odoo make "Request for Quotation" for products not in stock and have a look in stock if the products are in stock.

Test by yourself - if raw materials have checked "Make to Order" and not checked and look at the difference - but Attention reload Browser if you use different windows and also make new MO and scip old MO - because odoo is not able to refresh the MO if you change some products.
Hope someone can replay the problem or say us what we are doing wrong since last two days....



Best Answer

Hello All,

Get this app for all in one solution:Make To Order For Required Stock

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