The style compilation failed, see the error below. Your recent actions may be the cause, please try reverting the changes you made.
NameError: variable @odoo-navbar-height is undefined in - on line 37, column 24: 36 height: @planner-height; 37 margin: floor((@odoo-navbar-height - @planner-height)/2) 10px 0; 38 cursor: pointer; This error occured while compiling the bundle 'web.assets_common' containing: - /web/static/lib/bootstrap/scss/_functions.scss - /web/static/lib/bootstrap/scss/_mixins.scss - /web/static/src/scss/utils.scss - /web/static/src/scss/bs_mixins_overrides.scss - /web/static/src/scss/primary_variables.scss - /web_editor/static/src/scss/web_editor.variables.scss - /web/static/src/scss/secondary_variables.scss - /web/static/lib/bootstrap/scss/_variables.scss - /web/static/src/scss/fonts.scss - /web/static/src/scss/ui.scss - /web/static/src/scss/ui_extra.scss - /web/static/src/scss/navbar.scss - /web/static/src/scss/mimetypes.scss - /web/static/src/scss/modal.scss - /web/static/src/scss/animation.scss - /web/static/src/scss/rainbow.scss - /web/static/src/scss/datepicker.scss - /web/static/src/scss/banner.scss - /web/static/src/scss/colorpicker.scss - /web/static/src/scss/keyboard.scss - /web_planner/static/src/less/web_planner_common.less - /web_tour/static/src/scss/tip.scss - /web_tour/static/src/scss/keyframes.scss
Is this the latest Odoo build/code? Do you use any custom or third party modules/code? Did you properly install the dependencies?
Yp I don't use any custom modules and I installed the dependencies correctly without error
the installation of the requirement.txt is don without error , but still I get is style error , can you show your requirement.txt contains , I have download the odoo source from github
I have installed the reruirement.txt as whole and libsass==0.12.3 also installed successfully
at seam time I found this repeated bug at once