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Hi Community,

In my case i inherited the crm form and add one mamy2many field this name [Estimation Assign to] when i select the users from this field and save the record that time selected users are added in Add Followers and also send the mail. Now problem is that when i change the kanban card from one stage to another stage that time if in form estimation field  assigned some users the mail are also send those users. 

but i want to send mail only when i'm open the record and select the users from estimation field and then click on save button only that i want to sand mail. not when i change the kanban card from one stage to another stage.

if you know it please let me know.

See the code .py File

class CrmLead(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'crm.lead'
    _order = "create_date desc"

    crm_entries_id = fields.Many2one('set.estimation')
    estimation_id = fields.Many2many('res.users', default=lambda self:self.env.user, domain=lambda self: [("groups_id", "=", self.env.ref( "estimation.group_user_hide" ).id)], index=True, track_visibility='onchange', string='Estimation Asign To')

# Add Followers From Dropdown
    def create(self, vals):
    lead_res = super(CrmLead, self).create(vals)
    for rec in lead_res:
        if rec.estimation_id:
        partner_ids = []
        for est_rec in rec.estimation_id:
            if est_rec.partner_id and
                user_name = self.env.user.name_get()[0][1]
                template_obj = self.env['mail.mail']
                template_data = {
                        'subject': 'New Estimation Asign : ',
                        'body_html': "Hello,</br><h5>" + user_name + " invited you to follow Lead/Opportunity document : " + + "</h5>",
                        'email_from': self.env['mail.message']._get_default_from(),
                template_id = template_obj.create(template_data)
        if partner_ids:
            rec.message_subscribe(partner_ids, None)
    return lead_res

def write(self, vals):
res = super(CrmLead, self).write(vals)
for rec in self:
    if rec.estimation_id:
        partner_ids = []
        for est_rec in rec.estimation_id:
            if est_rec.partner_id and
                user_name = self.env.user.name_get()[0][1]
                template_obj = self.env['mail.mail']
                template_data = {
                                    'subject': 'New Estimation Asign : ',
                                    'body_html': "Hello,</br><h5>" + user_name + " invited you to follow Lead/Opportunity document : " + + "</h5>",
                                    'email_from': self.env['mail.message']._get_default_from(),
                template_id = template_obj.create(template_data)
                print('===================To sent ==================',
                rec.message_subscribe(partner_ids, None)
                message_partner_ids = rec.message_partner_ids.ids
                est_ids = [ for est_rec in rec.estimation_id] + [self.env.ref('base.partner_root').id]
                unsub_partners = set(message_partner_ids) - set(est_ids)
                if list(unsub_partners):
        print("+++++============= Else Part =============+++++")
return res

Best Answer

The simple solution  is send your email when status is open(use if statement and check the status) or maintain the bool filed and when you open the card make it true and when you move card to another stage make that filed false and base on that you can create the if statement and send the mail only that filed is true.

Author Best Answer

You can use below condition.
if u'estimation_id' in vals and rec.estimation_id:
