I am trying to add some custom filter fields to the eCommerce. I inherited my template from the template which extrnal id is equals to website_sale.products_attributes
But there are two identical template with the products_attributes. One has website information but does not have external id information. The other one has external id but does not have website information. The filters which are displayed on the page are inherited from the first one - does not have external id but has website information-. And when i upgrade my module, my template is being inherited from the second one and that's why I can not see my filter fields on the page. Once i change inherited view information from Technical Settings -> Views I am able to see my fields.
I tried various type of ways to to this from back-end but could not manage to do yet. Please help me about this why there are 2 identical templates and how am i supposed to display my fields on the page?
Please post a screenshot....I saw only 1 when I looked