Hi community
We are trying to configure the working hours and bank holidays. And we have a couple of questions:
- In all organizations, we have employes who start and finish at differnt times, some start at 8am, some 9am, some 10am... and also we have people working at two main cities, so some bank holidays o national holidays are not the same, so we have to asign different to each team.
So i guess, we have to create different working hours per city, and asing different Global permissions (Spanish "permisos globales") per each holiday we have in that particular city
How do we see the national holidays in the calendar? we see nothing nothing on it
Another question is, in order to control that people meets their schedule (Mary starts at 8am and finish at 17pm) (but Peter, starts at 10am finish 19pm) do we have to create also different Turns?
What happend if an employee starts late, or wants to start 2 hours early? . We don't want that to happend unless he request permission to his manager...
Thank you, I have reviewed many video courses, and checked documentations but didn't find this info.