Hi, on a fresh odoo 12 install, I try to backup the database with filerestore but I get the following error:
Exception: Postgres subprocess ('/usr/bin/pg_dump', '--no-owner', '--file=/tmp/tmpwsplvibn/dump.sql', 'odoo')
I'm using odoo 12 on a docker container (installed using the official docker image & doc https://hub.docker.com/_/odoo )
I'm answering here because of not enough karma...
I did not modify the database schema
I use the postgres:10 docker image that contains the client natively
EDIT: Note that if I choose the dump method, I get this error from the standard output :
2019-01-08 16:06:03,107 1 INFO odoo odoo.service.db: DUMP DB: odoo format dump
pg_dump: server version: 10.6 (Debian 10.6-1.pgdg90+1); pg_dump version: 9.6.10
pg_dump: aborting because of server version mismatch