I am attempting to places our sales team into the Application: Sales / Name: "User: Own Documents Only". The reason for this is because if their user name is set up as Application: Sales / Name: Manager, there are too many ways to allow the Salesperson to delete and create items on different platforms of the CRM, Sales, and Purchasing. Currently if the user Sales Application is setup by "Name: User: Own Documents Only", they aren't allowed to save an item in the quotation. I get an error message stating:
Odoo Server Error - Validation Error
Error while validating constraintThe requested operation cannot be completed due to security restrictions. Please contact your system administrator.
(Document type: sale.order.line, Operation: read)
However, the 'Access Rights' for 'User: Own Documents Only' state the Sales Order Line has read, write, and create access. The only access it doesn't have checked is delete for that object. Any guidance? Is this hardcoded into the HTML code or is it simply checking these boxes?
Users with "Sales / Own Documents Only" should be able to create and update Quotations and Sales orders. You should check the Record Rules for Sales Order Line.