Step 1of the project : set up fabrication and use MO to handle stock movements
Finished products set up as Manufactured and MTO route
Semi finished products set up Manufactured and MTS_MTO route (OCA module)
Component set up as Buy and MTO_ MTS route (OCA module) with procurement rule
SO automatically generate MO and RFQ, Odoo reserves stock to produce the MO
Problem 1 : material is used in fabrication and business. When odoo reserves pieces in stock, pieces can't be sold by business
Problem 2 : the business registers several quotation with client's demand date. When he validates quotation, odoo generates MO with the right date based on lead times.RFQ are well genrated and groupped by supplier. Which date is kept to validate the RFQ in time ?
Problem 3 : MO shouldn't reserved stock immediatly, is a pending status existed ? How to schedule MOs generated when quotations are confirmed ?
Step 2 : to avoid difficulties above, I think about MPS.
Can someone explain if I have to change the fabrication method and managed it only with forecasts ?
Take away MTO route of finished products and manage forecast and retro scheduling using MPS ???